The Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console lets teams get started quickly on business-critical tasks, from building and installing operating environments, to monitoring for potential vulnerabilities, to accessing certified automation, and more.
More than half the workforce, however, has little or no opportunity for remote work. Some of their jobs require collaborating with others or using specialized machinery; other jobs, such as conducting CT scans, must be done on location; and some, such as making deliveries, are performed while out and about. Many of such jobs are low wage and more at risk from broad trends such as automation and digitization. Remote work thus risks accentuating inequalities at a social level.
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The Modbus TCP/IP protocol is being published as a de-facto automation standard. Since Modbus is already widely known, there should be little information in this document which could not be obtained elsewhere. However, an attempt has been made to clarify which functions within Modbus have value for interoperability of general automation equipment and which parts are baggage from the alternate use of Modbus as a programming protocol for PLCs.
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