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Essay about Truth in Advertising: Why It Matters for Your Business and Your Brand


Advertisers in practice, face with the fact that these rules of etiquette in advertising may give the presentation only on general principles. When talking about the profitability of the business, tough game with a competitor or hold positions in the market, ethical factors dissolve in the netherworld. Companies are trying to enter the market with aggressive and sexual advertising, sometimes using double standards(Kirkpatrick, 2007).

Regarding stereotypes, they are usually associated with the submission of certain groups in the form of lasting stamp, which lost their individuality. The issue of stereotypes is also related to whether advertising social values or is their mirror. If the advertisement has the ability to shape values and attitudes to life, the advertisers need to think about how stereotype has a particular category of the population and how advertising and images on them (the stereotypes) are imposed. If you consider that advertising reflects the society in which it was born and which aims, then the advertiser should feel even more responsibility for the absolutely accurate picture of a particular society of people (Kirkpatrick, 2007).

essay about truth in advertising

The tools of marketing communication that are commonly used by companies to market their products include sales promotions by offering coupons, samples and premium items, public relations by conducting media and press releases about the companies products, sponsorships, point of purchase communication and advertising which encompasses advertising through the media and through the Internet (Shimp 7).

The purpose of this study is to focus on the marketing communication tool of advertising and how this promotion tool might be viewed as means to distort the truth from the customer so as to sell more products or services.

The adverts might also distort the truth about the products features and what the product is capable of doing (Maitra par. 3). For example some automobile dealers have been known to distort the truth about some of the car models they sell in their auto marts by listing car specifications that are not present in the genuine car.

For example British Airways has developed adverts for business and first class passengers by evoking a feeling of relaxation and comfort whenever they fly with British Airways. In order to appeal to customers on an emotional and rational level, advertisements have to incorporate information that is truthful and factual about the product or service that is on offer (Maira par.2).

Interviews were conducted on consumers and marketers to find out whether advertising distorted the truth about the type of products that were on offer by a company. Customers were asked whether they felt the adverts in the media and on the street distorted the truth about the brand that was on promotion. One interviewee remarked that adverts on TV generally contained information that was factually correct.

A second interviewee who worked for a marketing and advertising company remarked that the company had successfully conducted advertising promotions for products and services in the last 50 years of its operations without having to distort the truth about the brands in any way.

The enacted truth about advertising regulation was meant to regulate the type of information in commercials and adverts. This regulation basically set the foundation for other regulations in the United States that were meant to deal with false information posed by advertisers in the media.

On further inquiry, the interviewee intimated that they had tried out a food product that was advertised to have fewer calories and high fibers to realize that the calorie content was falsified and the food had no fiber whatsoever. This made her have a negative image of the company that was advertising the food product and dented her image about food advertisements in general.

Ads need to be as transparent as possible. That means including any and all footers on landing pages and blog posts that are promotional in nature. Such footers should elaborate truthfully on claims within the advertising media.

Government agencies take great strides to avoid filing suit against businesses. They have websites and resources dedicated to helping businesses advertise honestly. They visit with businesses, accept feedback about industry difficulties, and practice outreach to business owners. They even rely on the BBB to help businesses understand the importance of honest advertising, in hopes that businesses will self-regulate.

The last and most troubling of the painful truths about social media is that they propel authoritarian practices. Social media not only are compatible with authoritarianism; they may be one of the main reasons why authoritarian practices are now spreading worldwide. A particular practice that is authoritarian can occur even under a regime that is not.19 Authoritarian practices aim to control people and to sow confusion, ignorance, prejudice, and chaos in order to undermine public accountability.

Beyond the problems inherent to applying advertising conventions to medical treatments, there is an ongoing debate about the benefits or ills that DTC advertising might be bringing to American patients and the wider healthcare system.

In 1969, a group of London advertising folk, fatigued with the conventions of their trade, started The Ugly Modelling Agency. They wanted faces with character, not bland perfection. Look at the photographs from the time and you wonder what the fuss was about. The agency survives as Ugly Models whose clients include Diesel and Calvin Klein. Meanwhile, ever since the Francophile Nancy Mitford popularised the expression, we have had the idea of jolie-laide, a woman who can be attractive and ugly at the same time. Mitford was herself an example. So too is Jeanne Moreau.

In the same way that the Industrial Revolution and the emergence of modern science helped to bring about faith in Truth as Knowledge, the first world war (and later the second) caused the idea of truth as a construct to gain momentum and take hold.

Word-of-mouth advertising has existed as long as mankind has communicated and traded goods and services. Word-of-mouth advertising is considered the most effective form. It has the desired qualities of strong credibility, high audience attention levels, and friendly audience reception. It features open-ended conversation with questions and answers about the product, psychological incentives to purchase, memorability, efficiency and frequency. Word-of-mouth advertising passes product information to many other potential buyers (and may even include promotional trial demonstrations and free sampling), at little or no cost to the business. Whenever possible, a small business should build an advertising program that results in word-of-mouth advertising. Satisfied customers are your best advertisements.

Surprising as it seems in this internet and smart phone-driven economy, an old local advertising standard continues to be important. A 2011 survey, commissioned by the Local Search Association (formerly the Yellow Pages Association) revealed that 78 percent of the respondents consulted print yellow page directories during the past year. When Internet "yellow pages," were included in the mix, 84 percent reported consulting a yellow page directory. This means that, despite the buzz about Facebook and Twitter, as well as the long-standing need for a compelling website, advertising in telephone directories remains critically important.

Tie-ins with another business, co-op ad reimbursements from suppliers whose products you sell, and frequent buyer clubs are all becoming more prevalent in the current advertising environment. One of the emerging trends these days is for businesses to accept or even solicit the coupons of their competitors. Hardee's will almost always accept coupons from Burger King, Arby's and other competitive fast food chains. Accepting competitor coupons or meeting their discount offers is, when you think about it, an excellent way to retain customers without having to mount an expensive ad campaign to counter those of your competitors. Let them spend the money for the four-color free-standing inserts or the big display ad in the Sunday paper.

These are some frequently asked questions about direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising. FDA requirements, as well as activities of the Office of Prescription Drug Promotion (OPDP), are shown in this section. Contact us if you have any additional questions.

There has never been a more crucial time in our business, and our society, to use ethical principles to guide us in the advertising industry. Trust is gained in drops and lost in buckets, so the risk of not paying attention is real. 63% have stopped purchasing from a brand because they lost trust and 69% of them would never purchase from the brand again.2Ethical advertising means doing the right thing, being honest with what you are advertising, and being true to your brand purpose while looking for those shared values and delivering those product truths.

A person who is telling the truth is assumed to fear control questions more than relevant questions. This is because control questions are designed to arouse a subject's concern about their past truthfulness, while relevant questions ask about a crime they know they did not commit. A pattern of greater physiological response to relevant questions than to control questions leads to a diagnosis of "deception." Greater response to control questions leads to a judgment of nondeception. If no difference is found between relevant and control questions, the test result is considered "inconclusive."

As a society, we put too much emphasis on what we see in advertisements. Advertising agencies target our emotional state because advertising is a huge money maker. By focusing on our senses, it drives us to buy products in order to have a sense of perfection, and for those who are not confident, they are fall victim to print advertisements. Get Help With Your EssayIf you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! 2ff7e9595c


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